black irish surname

They live as second class citizens and are called red-legs and red-necks etc by the rest of the population due to their fair skins getting burned by the sun. Or, Is what happened to the Irish just a mere part of what happens to all, and to any of the different nations of men who are affected by the wicked works of the heathen? The difference being, that African Americans are one of the oldests ethnic groups in America, and the majority of Irish being relatively new. Not if the mother were a prostitute and father disappeared. This is a human issue, not a race one. This country was built on slavery of Asians, Indians, and Africans followed by the systematic oppression of those people by the English and Dutch. Also, this foolish comparison fails to acknowledge the differences between indentured servitude and real slavery. So if Irish slave girls intercoursed with black slave men, how did the Irish names carry through? Was that part of their original contract? However, Ireland considers itself a dual speaking country, so visitors can expect to see both English and Irish on public service signs and announcements. King is one of the most famous people with this surname. One such example is that of the hundreds of thousands of Irish peasants who emigrated to America after the Great Famine of 1845 to 1849. The way you glossed over this with comments like The settlers began to breed Irish women and girls with African men, as if the African men (and women and children) werent also being raped, and bred with each other and Irish people and slave owners. Rarely youll find them listed by age, gender and a first name NEVER A LAST NAME. Irish were indentured servants, never slaves. There is truth in what you say. Enter the time of the Irish Famine or genocide. Africa was named after a so-called white man by the name of Scipio Africanus. Hardly slavery, its a choice. The Europeans did not enslave Africans, they did not have to, Africans were already enslaved (they were prisoners of war) by more powerful Africans. Interesting write up Eddie McFields. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. I think it is dishonest to compare slavery based on race with indentured servitude or slavery based on economic status or country of origin. I am sure that the Irish were treated as less than other white settlers, but to say their treatment was equal to or worse than the treatment of African slaves is not probable. She and many other commentators suggest and maintain that this is a racial issue, Black against White. Black Irish Band, American folk music musical group. Famous Regans include actress Bridget Regan and talk-show host Trish Regan. Rounding out the Top 40, here are the next 30 most common names among African-Americans and Caribbean people: Taylor (Jayceon Terrel Taylor "The Game") Wilson (Charlie Wilson) Moore (Shemar Moore) White (Barry White) Lewis (Carl Lewis) Walker (Jimmie J. J. Walker) Green (Al Green) Thompson (Kenan Thompson) Washington (Denzel Washington) slavery is not in the past. The powers that be, have kept a lot of the truth where history covered up because, its all so ugly as well as in humane!!!!!!!! The term is used among people of Irish descent and sometimes confuses people since it doesn't refer to dark skin color. Doing so further divides races and intimates that being white is bad and that youre somehow guilty of past crimes. But animals of higher value are often treated better than less. Thus leaving no question that they were property and not human in the eyes of planters, The Irish already had last names in English, most Irish names are now written in English. Interesting read. What is White? It had to do with language. Well than do research and prove yourself right instead of arguing out of not knowing. Each induvial from different areas of the continent have unique differences. Famous OSullivans include actress Maureen OSullivan, actor Richard OSullivan, and singer Gilbert OSullivan. Jim Crow laws where formulated to keep Blacks in their place, not the Irish. The argument is as follows: the Irish had an advantage because of their skin color. In this way of debate it subdivides the issue of slavery in degrees of worse and worse-er. Communicating with an African would have been a completely different matter, and names would have been unpronounceable and incomprehensible to any white slave owner. That is why African Americans carry Irish surnames today. .werenot left out..some of those babies are in their 80ts 90ths now..but the whites in this categories are ashamed and dont talk about it..the kkk originated from the fear of free slaves coming to take their some black slaves were doing better than the indentured servants. I think there is lots of information here that people should know about. So what is it that makes all so called White skinned folks exactly like one another? A few known facts and a few overstated kernels of truth give a false, gleaming varnish of Truth Exposed when twisted around implications and presumptions based on false logic, when theyre confidently stated as reality, and lead the non-critical reader to unquestioningly believe exactly what the writer has skewed their words to lead them to believe. There is no logic in that a hybrid race slave would be any more profitable than a hard working African slave, and has no basis in historical fact. But, if anyone, black or white, believes that slavery was only an African experience, then theyve got it completely wrong. Irish heritage at this point is one of many battles won and lost., Im Dutch and this is only the second time Ive read about this in my life.. Of course police departments came from the slave patrols and why in some states you got a lot of Irish cops. This is further evidence that despite the evil of Irish slavery, Irish slaves were strangely still seen as human. They are the dregs of the white race. I have always found that a fascinating sociological subject, whether its worthy of study is doubtful. Please note that the Irish Slave myth is frequently spread online by white supremacist in an attempt to diminish the effect of chattel slavery on black Americans in this country. They changed things to cover up the greed, it is that cover up that is racism today. Unlike African slavery ,the Irishs story was not widely publicised. One British ship even dumped 1,302 slaves into the Atlantic Ocean so that the crew would have plenty of food to eat. Could they have not read the plight of slaves in the newspaper? The Celts arrived on the island about the year 500 B.C. Maybe blacks were named because they didnt speak english! In a generation where so much information is consumed via hearsay or processed by means of social media, oftentimes, we can forget to dig into research like in the old days. It was prophesied that our people would go into slavery on ships because we broke Gods commandments. With this, Irish people and families began to associate with the collective surname of O'Dubhghaill. O'Sullivan 4. The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. Schools should teach more about this stuff, because its part of a neighbouring history which may not be NOT told. They were owned by an Irish family. I have been enjoying ancestry. I think slavery regardless of color is disgusting and shameful, but even more is to come out of slavery and help the oppressor with the same oppression that was previously placed upon you. The mental gymnastics required to equate having Irish last names and black Americans with the Irish having been slaves right along side us is astounding. Miriam OCallaghan, RT television and radio broadcaster, is one of the most well-known OCallaghans. However it is thought to refer to invaders throughout Irish history. This, by the way, is why Malcolm Little became "Malcolm X". So stupid its almost funny, but instead its depressing cuz its so ignorant and shows how gullible these liberal assholes are, just looking for someone elses cause to bear cuz they gotta help those poor, downtrodden folks recover their true histories, and file a lawsuit against the government so they can assimilate into modern society and buy organic and get a job in IT or in the arts or a good non-profit..fuck you. Do you know where you Irish surname came from? Its a circular statement! They were dictators and if they felt it to their advantage theyd sell off members of their own tribe and simply call it their right as ruler. Nile of the nine hostages was a bit of a devil. What people seem to be missing is the point of contention that exists today. A modern Irish variant spelling is Conchir. There is little evidence to support this theory and it is unlikely that any significant number of Spanish soldiers would have survived long in the war-torn place that was 16th century Ireland. 1) It wasnt hundreds of thousands of them that were put to work. True Irish (native non-protestants) were not even allowed to own property in Ireland until the early 1800s. The fact is that any white male could sexually assault a black woman with impunity. It is well recorded that African slaves, not tainted with the stain of the hated Catholic theology and more expensive to purchase, were often treated far better than their Irish counterparts. Unless you know more about your name I would assume it association with immigrant Scottish planters and settlers of Northern Ireland, but it could have been adopted by some of the natives. Families were ripped apart as the British did not allow Irish dads to take their wives and children with them across the Atlantic. They served for an agreed amount of time (usually seven years), the agreements were not always honored. It is derived from the Gaelic Conchobhair (descendant of Conchobar "lover of hounds"). Do you not believe that the Irish people suffered for centuries under British domination ? (no scotch-irish has no irish blood in them at all,they are descendants of Scotland and England whom were given land in Northern Ireland by the English crown..they kicked out and burnt down real irish villages to establish their land in the north with the backing, again of the crown!!!!! So they forgot where there came from, slavery and became slavers or helped them. You did not cite any sources and Id love to research even further. White indentured servitude was so very different from black slavery as to be from another galaxy of human experience, as Donald Harman Akenson put it in If the Irish Ran the World: Montserrat, 1630-1730. 3) even if they were 100,000 Irish slaves (which there were not) how dare you attempt to chastise us for talking about the African holocaust? No.. this is skipped when you learn about politics and English/Irish relationships (IRA was very active at that time), but actually more understandable if only 100yrs before centuries of abuse were stopped.. Famous McDermotts include actors Dylan McDermott and Charlie McDermott. Were Irish babies sold to another people as black babies were sold to white slave owners? X-Factor winner Shane Ward is one of the most well-known Wards. I had learned of indentured servitude among the Europeans. It is unlikely that the exact origin of the term will ever be known and it is also likely that it has had a number of different iterations, depending on the historical context. There is a prevailing debate amongst the commentators that leaves me with strong feelings of indignation. Ireland Before You Die is supported by its audience. Murphy (56648) 2. So no, they werent only raped by the master but any children born of these rapes became the property of the plantation owners. Rich in history and proud in its Celtic roots, the Irish identity is worn like a badge of honour. My maiden name is Mc Knight. Their solution to this problem was to start a system of banishment,not unlike what Stalin had done later in the 1930s ,banishing peasants , kulaks, political opponents and others deemed as undesirables and enemies of the state to prison camps and salt mines in the desolate Siberia. The term "Black Irish" has also been applied to the descendants of Irish emigrants who settled in the West Indies. I met this white Irish woman she said we were labeled as the mean black Irish. The whole thing is rotten no matter who. First of all, the reason for the Civil War was the Confederates secession from the Union. The next great influx came from Northern Europe, with Viking raids occurring as early as 795 A.D. If they committed a crime that warranted jail time, they deserved the sentence. The Irish were treated HORRIBLY, often just as horribly as Africansbut not always. When a White indentured servant or slave walked away or escaped his master or owner, he or she could go just about any place they choose and live their lives as free White people. The African slave adapted readily to the tropical conditions of the West Indies,but they had to be purchased, whereas the Irish were hunted down like rabbits in their homeland, and were free of charge for the taking. Black people dont think or worry about slavery. There is a very large difference between the two terms and are often conflated. The most famous people with the surname Hayes were Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th president of the United States, and retired basketball player Elvin Hayes. Youll find that most often the enslaved are identified by age and gender only. Where they not slaves in labour camps? Another was the prevailing feeling among the Southern States that they were not being representing and that their votes didnt count. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Norman-Catholic gentry? For decades Black people were not allowed to own property in the affluent areas and could only own property in poorer areas. The history of the Irish enslavement should not be swept under the rug., Some good explanations of the term Black Irish: The term " black Irish " refers to persons of Irish descent who are supposed to be descendants of the Spanish Armada, which sailed around the middle of the 15th century, and had dark hair and or eyes. Impregnating Black slaves was a way to increase the wealth of the slave owners. The phrase "Black Irish" has been in use for hundreds of years, and several brands of Irish whiskey. When the KKK did not get enough traction in the south in the early part of the 20th century they moved North and preyed upon the Irish and Catholic immigrant. Irelands population fell from about 1,500,000 to 600,000 in one single decade. Dougherty Irish. In fact, many Norman invasion families grew to amend their family names (surnames) to reflect this. I was born in Jamaica & was told a little about this by an Irish funeral director. Spreading these values will end modern slavery, and help us make the entire history of slavery a thing of the past. The Irish landowners where Protestant and therefore considered British. If youre essentially dying a slow death, it might as well be slavery. Although, the much to the contrary; if youve ever studied world history, youd realize that slavery has happened in just about every culture at one time or another and has been happening at every point in time in mankinds history including the present. Thank you for this information. Another clue are terms "Black Dutch" and "Black Irish." These were used by families to hide their ethnicity. Though slavery did and still occurs worldwide, chattel slavery was an American created tradition whereby the condition of the mother indicated whether or not a child was born free or enslaved.. And a minority of slave owners were also black. Exaggerated claims aside, Im not sure how unless you give that stuff more credibility than its worth. 3) their children and grandchildren were not automatically enslaved or indentured from birth and were free, 4) they were not forced to forget their history, culture religion during their agreement to be indentured. my mother in law was called Shanks, we are Irish from the north of Ireland. And there, my friends, you have the truth of the matter. This is not about which was treated worse, seems like a game your all going on about, This is about the systematic destruction of nations by the British in these times, i hear noone talking about how ruteless and horrific the British were, they make the Nazis look like Saints. I would love to know who you are to me , I want to know my roots from the mother of all mothers Africa .The Carrolls missing abd forgotten children.. Wrong. American blues guitarist B. The Scots Irish, also known as Scotch Irish (especially in USA) or Ulster Scots (especially in Northern Ireland), are an ethnic group found in the province of Ulster in the north of Ireland Genealogy. So whats this about 16 something and king James? We highlight the most inspiring experiences Ireland has to offer. Was that what drove the slave trade in the last millenia? But have you ever stopped to think about where it originates? Sharing in everyday culture and identity, as well as ancestry, human presence on the Emerald Isle dates back some 12,500 years, according to archaeological studies. The oldest known Irish surname is OClery (O Cleirigh in Gaelic). One last point, as a professor in irish are some accredited sources on irish slavery, you shouldnt get your sources from Wikipedia or any other non accredited website!!!!!! Here are 10 of them: 1. I have been unsuccessful with finding all the data you have, will you please site the sources from your research? This is how many other current events were going at the time, that is, not in the favor of the south. Why do we continue to ignore the pain of others? Nor do I expect people will understand who the English landlords (a.k.a. I cannot speak for what may have happened in America and it is true that we Irish dont suffer from racism in this day and age. One of the most famous Nolans is film director Christopher Nolan. 5. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included men, women, and even the youngest of children. I reject this and say that the skin color labels are themselves, at best, a statement of a bigot. Some say they came from the Spanish Armada. Learn more. 2. 1847 was known as "black 47." Ryan (30795) From its love for traditional art forms, including Irish dancing and trad music, its affinity for a creamy pint of Guinness, or its endless stream of iconic artists, including Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker, Ireland is a small country with a big personality. Blacks are still enslaving one another and so are Whites, it needs to stop. Sure the law condemned them, but do they have any less right to their heritage than a White person? If it were slavery, as the Africans suffered, it would have been called slavery. But have you ever wondered where it comes from? Slavery in any format is wrong. How dare you compare 100,000 indentured servants and criminals to the kidnapping of 12.5 million people? How did Blacks end up with Irish names? Or was it an indirect outcome of the permition of owning slaves? It was common in the 1600s for the Irish prefixes O and Mac to be dropped from Irish names. This fact is recorded in ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Early Origins of the Black family. Instead the only thing of Ireland you learn is that Dublin is its capital.. The Normans originated in France, where black-haired people are not uncommon. Do you still have your list of sources? He said a freed man works for no man. Slavery is still happening today and not prevailing with just Blacks. [5] It is the masculine version of the name Ciara . It's a playful invitation to receive a kiss from someone who identifies as Irish or who is . Certainly not the native potato-eating Catholic tenant farmers with no inheritance. that because they werent born into chattel their plight isnt worth acknowledgement. Some of that comes from atrocities visited upon African Americans during the 19th and 20th centuries such as the union riots that rocked many northern urban centers. A quick review of Irish history reveals that the island was subject to a number of influxes of foreign cultures. I was slapped on the hands with a ruler as she demanded, screaming , and hitting me,!! Irish surnames stand out like a sore thumb. For I come from many origins but the one of royalty is bmy great grandfathers, Mothers, Aunts , Uncles whom colonized , partaken in this horrible, horiffic , cruel in human act of the wealthiest plantations and plantation owners.My heart aches for what youve been put through and each and every descendants and ancestors.. It was the Jim Crow laws and the Redlining that did the most damage. African Americans where emancipated because they needed it. in addition, when i go back as far as i could to the 1800s, i have relatives still with Irish and Scot last names so thats why I dont think this article is entirely accurate about the last names. There looks to be much more valuable information available if you search on this form of the name. are streets are a lot safer for kids to grow up thats a fact gangs of kids running about with guns you wont get that hear unless its the paramilatarys, I agree with people that dont want to be called African american, who were never born in Africa, I refuse to be called black because my skin is brown, I believe the calling of our race black is to degrade us because there is belief that whomever picked the name of the brown indigenous people from Africa named the race black because it was the most negative color, many of the Irish expelled to the New World were Black Irish. It was also used in Ireland by Catholics in Ulster Province as a derogatory term to describe the Protestant Planters. So, in a nutshell, after killing millions in an engineered genocide in Ireland, the ruling class developed a conscience suddenly and Irish people got full human status in Antigua? But you lost me where you said Irish slaves were treated worse than African slaves. I have heard of some of the stories of the Irish slave trade; however, the black slaves in American took their last names from their masters; who usually had Scottish, Irish, or English last names. Irish slavery is *not* a myth, nor is it a lie. If youd like to learn more about my opinions on indentured servants Ive provided some explanation and sources on this tread in several replies too. The West, wrongly puts Africa, which is a continent not a country, as all the same people. She has travelled Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australia and still claims that wanderlust tempts her daily. The Vikings bestowed upon themselves the title of the dark invaders or black foreigners. An African would know better. Sure there is a difference, but servant is a perhaps a misnomer. Origins of the Most Common Irish Surnames and First Names. Here are the top 100 Irish surnames you're bound to experience at least once in your life! The English Welsh and Scottish peoples all suffered by the hands of the elitist British. Blacks could not blend in to normal society because most Blacks where slaves and most were not educated and they were not accepted in major segments of the country as entirely human. Many of our foremothers were raped by the ships captains and the dozens if not hundreds of white crew members. It is also fascinating to see that American society changed its caste system from strictly class based to skin based in just a couple of centuries. they did mix thats why they have lighter skin its luck of the draw with genetics if your great great great grandmother was white your chid could be white. They entered into an indentured agreement, which was recorded (and can be viewed on many online resources) for a fixed period of time and were subject to the same laws as all subjects of the King. They account for a lot of the Irish sounding names in the south, whether they were Scots names, or co opted Irish names, they do not belong to the Irish family system. Thanks for your research. They resented having to serve in the civil war and dis honored black soldiers but they fly Confederate flags proudly. The African slave trade was a better deal. The Surname is MAY and the earliest records indicate1704 in the US. 8. Notable Flanagans include actor Tommy Flanagan and actress Crista Flanagan. It appears that everyone, including you, completely ignored my comment where I pointed out that the British would hire pirates, specifically Barbary Pirates from North Africa and the Middle eatern areas, to raid entire Irish villages with the intent of wiping out said village so the British could take over the land and do with it as they wish.

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black irish surname