thailand agent orange 2021

All camp sites were heavily sprayed ,where our tents for our barracks and mess hall were placed. SO I ALSO WAS AT THE FORT CHAFFEE POST GAVE THEM THOES RECORDS AND STILL HAVE NOT HEARD FROM THEM. Need help. hcwjr/ponyhunter98 Ive been living with severe motor skill losshad to relearn how to walk and need to keep working even though Im in my seventies and need to hide my tremors and speech difficulties for fear of losing my job. The possibility of exposure to benzene and mixed motor pool substances for clearing weeds and oiling down dust in parting lots in bases in Germany is an interesting development. Chronic B-Cell Leukemia We have learned to never trust our government. I have had sinus surgery and have to use inhalers to breath. BenefitsHealthNews ReleasesSecretary's PrioritiesTop Stories. exposed to agent orange. They go hand in hand but the government doesnt recognize all the years my husband had dementia. My husband served in Vietnam in 1967-1968 and was diagnosed with AML leukemia in September 2020 and died in February 2021. Over the course of a year, we recently lost 100,000 sons, daughters, moms, and dads to drug overdoses. When I applied I was surprised and impressed that a reviewer responded with some questions within days and I provided some more documentation. I have heard that also, and was attached to the SeaBees Public Works, at NAS Agana, June 1974-November 1975so there is a chance we used the damned stuff to spray and had not a clue. Google agent orange diseases and symptoms breakdown. If they need more money to help all Veterans contaminated, they need to find the money and stop discriminating one age of Veteran against the other which has happened over last twenty years with no regard for the legality. There was a lot of Agent Orange used in the area. I was diagnosed with PPA. in 1972 after coming back from Vietnam-went to VA in Albq., spent week in Hospital with a body rash all over except in crotch area-face-hands-looked and felt like sandpaper-VA told me was caused by a tick bite reaction-gave me numerous medications-to this day-I still get rash on my body and boils on my buttocks-very uncomfortable-was denied agent orange filing for it-our youngest son had his skin on fingers fall-off-I have faith in our VA Facilities-but not in our VA Leaders in getting info about all other Agent Orange Conditions-we are short of time-Please, may you do what is right for our remaining survivors God Bless America and those that pray for all humanity-to live in PEACE, TYPO? Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). I also have Inclusion Body Myositis. Agent Orange is one of several "tactical herbicides" used by the U.S. military during Operation Ranch Hand, a multi-year chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War. He was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism. You are eligible. Did you carry/transfer AO to our ship or have any records? How meany of us will have to die a slow painful death before we can get recognized for needed benefits ? While I am here I am 100 % pt, I am lucky I guess it took only 8 months for my receiving My husband served three tours in Vietnam and died a horrible death seven years ago of four of the diseases named. DOD knew in 1980s and Reagan gave several billion for Superfunds, matter of records, but even though it is proven those chemicals cause various diseases including Scleroderma and many autoimmune diseases. We get no information about others who have, or had, this incurable disease. I do get benefits for my hearing but still have issues with my shaking . The VA is merely following whats in the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and Public Law when handing down ratings decisions. I hadnt heard about the Ft. McClellen exposure. Our old family Country doctor is the one who finally broke the news to my brother and our mother. My dad died of cancer and I RECEIVED NO BENEFITS from the VA as i am my dad only survivor. I served three tours from 1967 to 1972, mostly in Thailand. We were stationed together. I wonder if it is a matter of large numbers of affected vets and the large amount of money that would have to be paid? My electronics van had inch thick dust in it and all kinds of Vietnam paraphernalia hidden away on it. He battled with many service connected medical/neurological issues including Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) until he died in 2017. They give you up to a year to provide any additional evidence if needed. But the VA says, sorry no claim in your 1st year out, too bad. Every day is a challenge: financially, physically, and emotionally. Ive been told by VA examiners that its not in my blood system. Funny thing is the chemical being sprayed one could actually see with no problems. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used Agent Orange and a variety of other "tactical herbicides" to kill vegetation and defoliate trees. HMC, FMF, USMC, USS America [CVA66]. He was rated 100%. My husband was in Korea 1973-1974 he was in the 37thArtillery 6th Battalion Camp Essayons.Will any new VA expand benefits help him? He passed away July 2012. My father was in Vietnam as D he was a rifle man and jumped out of planes. My husband and I are both 100% disabled vets and if I could increase my disability to more I would! The Va clinic says, I dont know what your talking about. He also suggested contacting political representatives to get them to work with you. Good to know that maybe in another 20 or 25 years they might actually get off their butts and help us too. Thank you. One place my brother was stationed was Dong Ha. You cant win. Unfortunately we didnt learn anything with the AO exposure. Sorry this award came to late, We are the care takers of what they destroyed fur what, their greed. They owe it to you. Finally in 2020 he was dx with PSP. Back then I should have reported him. that rating. Big news from Iceland Feb. 2021 in the amount of lead in the base, NASKEF, drinking water in the late 90s. Many people here were exposed to toxins after 9/11. March 3 (UPI) -- President Joe Biden on Friday recognized retired Army Col. Paris D. Davis with the Medal of Honor for his gallantry during a firefight in the Vietnam War in which he saved his fellow soldiers despite being injured. Drink eat and shower in agent orange in the Tonkin Gulf. Is it two feet from the perimeter? They are deservedly receiving help for diseases as a result of the exposure. Often fence lines were sprayed to kill vegetation that may have hid the presence of enemy soldiers. The VA did well with him in his final years. He served during Vietnam war. I have had no status updates since Congressman Doug Lamalfa of California made an inquiry. Without his help I would never had gotten anything. July 2019, President Donald J. Trump issued a directive that those of us who served in the Tonkin Gulf are now considered Blue Water Navy. That will make U.S. military veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange eligible for the VA's disability compensation benefits. You may not have standing to file for benefits. I had a much smaller exposure than your father and I have lots of Autoimmune diseases as does at least one of my children. The VA took his money back, told me he was dead and wouldnt need a check anyway and his children could not receive anything from his estate nor file for compensation. Im glad that those exposed to Agent Orange are FINALLY getting some progress with the VA and federal government. About 10 years ago I filed with the VA and brought my medical records from my own doctors. Good luck. (PROGRESSIVE Supranucler PALSY). I quit going to the VA for anything!!!! I was also told that because I was able to raise my extremely arthritic arms over my head that I should be fortunate that the VA doesnt take away my disability benefits altogether. It seems that most veterans who submit paperwork will get denied the first time regardless of their condition or supporting evidence. Call toll-free at 1 (800) 700-4174 We're Ready to Listen Peripheral Neuropathy, Early Onset (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) I check my status every week, still no decision. I had heart surgery in 1998 to remove the pericardial sac from my heart. Respiratory diseases?? I cannot claim exposure to AO due to neither the Pentagon or Headquarters MC being allowed to tell the VA that I was actually in country and exposed. What about bases here in the states that stored or disposed of barrels of Agent Orange, like Camp Pendleton? AL Amyloidosis Got out at 100% and dropped down to 10% in a year thanks to our wonderful government. I recently had spinal surgery and it has caused my neuropathy to greatly worsen. Good luck with that! VA needs to be alert to symptoms and catch it sooner, with testing. has a military lookup feature, and there is a website called Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma March 3 (UPI) -- Renewable energy company AVANGRID said Friday an agreement to spend $30 million on components supports a final investment decision for a solar power facility in Texas, a national leader in solar power. Its AO, and also particulate matter exposure in SWA.]. I had such a bad case of PTSD starting in 1969, I spent 6 weeks in a Navy mental ward at Millington NAS. I have only 50% due to diabetes and diabetic neuropathic . They deserve quick adjudication for their claim and we cannot put the burden on the veterans who served their country.. Squeaky wheel gets the grease If you were denied they will contact you, you do not need to submit another claim. Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them - Congressman David Trone November 01, 2021 Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Credit: Dayton Daily News, Thomas Gnau Vietnam War-era veterans who served in Thailand say they're still fighting. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, Is someone here have the truth? Im currently suffering neurological problems, at first diagnosed as Parkinsons and later as an undiagnosed Parkinson-like syndrome. Learn more about benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. As a 30 year retired United States Air Force Disabled Veteran, I have prayed for this day to come. If you know of. Also have had severe sinusitis problems since serving in the Air Force. There are a couple of things that come to mind that you could try. 807 Maine Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20024 Phone (202) 554-3501 Fax (202) 863-0233 ISSUE BRIEF: Agent Orange in Thailand during Vietnam Era This in my opinion is a major problem. Some have won on appeal.. The person who told me to get copies of the VA Ordered DBQ stated that he fought with VA for more than twelve years before winning, I only applied two years ago and knew not, that I would have to fight like this in order to get what I feel that I am entitled too. Lung transplant, Nov 1st, 2014. There is more to that in his records and he died from cancer. Im a 5x bladder cancer survivor thanks to our lovely government exposing so many of us to god knows what. the va dont care about vets !!! My father died already and we tried to file a claim when he did only to be denied. If you were in VN, now this disorder is on the presumptive list. Camp Lejune , 6 months of 71. And still didnt know what all that noise was,,I thought I had to live with it But he trusted McHenry to make the historical case for him and veterans like him. Vietnam 69 and 70. I have Parkinsons, nerve, ligament damage and nodules on my lungs. No other family member has this condition. What about the other 4 years he was stuck to the damn oxygen? A solution by Congress may be the best approach, some attorneys and veterans advocates say. I later found that they were reimbursed by my private medical insurance. If you get turned down you need to appeal and likely will then be called for an appointment to see a VA doctor. Very same happened to me. Every time I went to the local VA clinic for my 6 month wellness check there was supposed to be now charge for this. To receive updates on my teams efforts, sign up for the newsletter now. I was in Vietnam for 2 1/2 years flying as a combat support crew chief. What about us SEA Vets who did not have boots in Vietnam? This is great news and I am happy to see leadership at the VA leading the way on behalf of the vets who are yet to receive the benefits due them. Luckily I dont seem to have symptoms but always wondered about Agent Orange being used there during that time. Bob has been fighting this letter since it came out, Skinner said. Treasury sanctions three Russians for imprisonment of opposition leader. Thank you. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS I served on a PBR river boat on the mekong in 1971. Last I knew Vietnam was in Southeast NOT Southwest The smell was bad and if you inhaled the spaying compound one would have a hard time breathing. Good luck and God bless you. Will every case be reopened? They want to punish us all. In fact my brother in law had to wait on the ship until well after dark, like a sneak thief, The science now confirms the link. I have applied several times for benefits associated with bladder cancer and prostate cancer that I canttaccontracted in Korea in 1968 -69. Why wont the VA properly recognize my 100% physical disability obviously caused by exposure to Agent Orange for the last 40+ years??!!!! Can i get VA assistance? I have had what they call jungle rot on my feet and hands that comes and goes. The review board keeps telling me this every time I refile after a new presumptive condition gets named, all five of them as of this writing. My father died from cancer from Agent Orange colon cancer the VA denied it . My husband was covered with the stuff in Vietnam and has multiple medical issues that he has been suffering since his late 40s. When they say thank you for your service, usually it is meaningless. Big deal! Cant find any records of Decontamination of Aircraft but i was in close contact, Launching, Recovering & Securing these helos after either IN COUNTRY or SHORE RESCUES. Agent Orange exposure and VA disability compensation Agent Orange was a tactical herbicide the U.S. military used to clear leaves and vegetation for military operations mainly during the Vietnam War. Please check it out. Been diagnosed, had surgery with a lifetime of chemo and radiation. It continues to affect the children and their children and so on. I thought one of the most iconic scenes in the movie Platoon had in the background mamma sans stirring something in cut in half 55 gallon drums and burning it. Are you, or someone you know, struggling with a mental health or substance use disorder? I had to clean all of this up with no idea that this could be agent orange. Never heard from VA regarding my case. Agent orange was used there in the training areas and the area was not declared clear until 1994. Why bother filing again? VA will begin implementing provisions of the William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law 116-283), adding three conditions to the list of those presumptively associated with exposure to herbicide agents, more commonly known as Agent Orange. And as I didnt know then and only got a clue in 1987 well I was screened for agent orange I have been expected to prove that peripheral neuropathy was from my time in that country. We are effectively ignored by the VA. What about glioblastoma brain? My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 3 years ago. We are moving out smartly in initiating action to consider these and other potential new presumptions, grounded in science and in keeping with my authority as Secretary of VA, said Secretary McDonough. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) Our son is being treated for bladder cancer. Trump legal team requests six-month delay in New York civil lawsuit. I feel like Charlie Brown kicking his football and our government is Lucy and like Lucy our government will pull the rug out from all of us. My dad served in Vietnam. VA Mantra, Deny, Deny, Deny Until The Veteran Dies. Quite the coincidence. Technician, I was in Nam 67+68 Ive had Hypothyroidism for a long time what do I do? Tsgt Myers. My husband was also a Vietnam soldier and contracted every desease that you can get from Agent orange but the VA was paying for all the desease that were connected with agent orange , you just have to file a claim for each sickness , please do it , they will take responsibility they did for my husband until he passed this January 2021. Official websites use .gov I am a Vietnam combat Veteran, 1968, III Corps. My husband died of stomach cancer, had hashimotos disease etc. The work was nasty, many chemicals, oils, fiberglass, the duct work in the avionics bay located in the nose was trashed. Also, the investigation found less use in Thailand and the DMZ then previously reported. AGENT ORANGE EXPOSURE . So much for all those people and ads saying welcome home. I was stationed at Camp Lejune in Feruary 1959.I had a claim filed.Last year In August I had a traumatic brain injury and nearly died twice.While I was rehabilitating from this injury I received a call from the Veterans Administration about my claim.We got into an argument she told me she was also a Marine she was very nasty. So, my thoughts are that anyone that is reading this . im sure he falls in this category relating to his death. Seems like mission is to dissuade veterans. Are they eligible for Agent Orange benefits? I always hoped we could connect with his family to let him know how much he meant to him, but all I have is a first name and description and where he was from. Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I have no idea if there is any support for children of Vietnam vets, but I hope there is. An official website of theU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Looking for U.S. government information and services? I suggest you keep applying as the last Sect. Vietnam 66,67 and 68. For the last 24 years, I have been trying to tell the VA that my Hypothyroidism [Graves Disease] is a result of my two years in daNam: Vung Tau, Lai Khe, TDYs to parts unknown, and lastly Saigon. Specially the crooked politicians! I was exposes to the toxic water, ( when I say exposed, I mean drinking, cooking and bathing in it) and developed hypothyroidism in my mid 40s. What about veterans in operation restore democracy who were exposed to shit burning details? I remember that I often awakened in my BOQ (the Idaho) to almost choking smells of burning garbage. Parkinsons Disease, Diabetes and Ischemic Coronary Heart Disease are presumptive conditions of Agent Orange exposure. Operation Ranch Hand. VA has had me Synthroid for decades, she again said sorry. Learn more about benefits related to Agent Orange exposure. Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs mandates that veterans who served in southeast Asian countries other than Vietnam during the war provide evidence of exposure to the herbicide in order to qualify for benefits. The va gives you meds but dont wont to give benefits.Our svo where I live dont even wont to talk to you.I tried to get him to make copies of . I was at a base camp in South Vietnam when after taking a short shower, ( limited water ) a chopper flew overhead and spraying Agent Orange in the tree lines when I got another shower, Agent Orange! I have diabetes, heart disease, and nodules on my lungs. My lawyers quit the case. If there is support, could you please point me in the direction needed? We filed a claim 2 years ago and recently received a denial. Go to DAV or VA.GOV search fir VSO( veteran service officer) and have them submit another claim immediately. He served with 101st airborne in Vietnam in 67 and 68. That something was diesel fuel and sht. Have you filed everything yourself. I was an organizational automotive mechanic in the Marine Corps as well as doing a stint of armory duty. Harmon said his sense is that once attorneys are involved, claims from veterans who served in Thailand can be settled in as quickly as six months. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? Please switch auto forms mode to off. I try to kick it by running and staying healthy but to no avail. While we were trying to eat in a overhead tarp, the smoke from the burn pits went right through where we were eating!! My father was Franklin Coon served in Vietnam. Last year's Defense Spending Bill included a provision, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that added presumption of service connection for Agent Orange-linked illness for veterans suffering from bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinson's disease.

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thailand agent orange 2021