hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Improved the AIs logic in Argentinean decisions, national focuses and advisors. Unit Limit calculations are now daily instead of weekly. Added an Independence Fervour national spirit to Armenia, which is granted and upgraded by existing national foci and decisions. The Pacific States should annex New England more quickly after the American Civil War. Libyas population has been properly adjusted to account for the absence of the Cyrenaican genocide, The UK can no longer change the Head of State of British-Aligned South Africa. Fixed socialist Switzerland having zero Syndicalist party popularity. Fixed independent Lithuania puppeting itself to Germany. German East Asia can now seize Papua from a syndicalist Australasia and return it to the New Guard if their coup is successful. Austria can now join the Weltkrieg against Russia if bordering them through an allied Poland. RadSoc Hawaii now gets more party popularity when they take power. Fixed Armenia peacing out after revolting in the NatPop Ottomans path. Fixed Indochina keeping a German East Asia template. Tibet and Mongolia will now return any parts of China Proper they own if they join the Federalists. Fixed the sound effect for the Tocata event chain for NFA firing for every tag. Fixed the Expanded Tanker Fleet national focus prerequisites for Georgia. Fixed some of the annexation scripted effects transferring cores or claims. Non-core states now give only 2% towards the unit limits, instead of 5%. Updated the effect of the Emergency Powers trait for presidents of New England. SocCons and AutDems are now part of a new Conservative Ideological Group, instead being part of Liberal and Reactionary, respectively. Updated Argetinian political party descriptions. Fixed Lithuania being couped by its own allies. Added a puppet PatAut leader to Wallonia. Rasht in Persia is now a small naval base. Wellington Koo. The Pacific States armed forces are no longer trialled, should they reunify with the United States peacefully. It will now use the war stability modifier. Jabal Shammar can no longer create duplicate commanders (a possible cause for CTD), Norwegian naval templates are now retrofittable, Fixed Venezuela's broken counter-coup trigger for Pacific States. Fixed Dutch East Indies characters not being transferred correctly to the Netherlands. Fixed an event chain for National France in relations to the imprisonment of Lvi Strauss. As always, you can download previous versions of the mod manually from our mediafire if you desperately need to complete your game. Germany will no longer have the Occupation of France penalty for creating a puppet France after beating the Commune of France. Added a cavalry template to Finland, for suppression. Belgium will now only complete the Study Radioactive Elements national focus after 1939. Fixed Serbias Dragoljub Mihailovic staying around after he was killed. Bulgarias Damyan Velchev is now killed when Zveno monarchists take over. Tweaked Russia 1936 content, to increase stability but decrease political power. Assyria no longer releases itself into oblivion. Fixed Qing returning to Beijing while still fighting Fengtian and Japan. Added English translations to the Mexican party names. Fixed The Steelworks have been destroyed being unclear for League of Eight Provinces. Only Qajar Persia can now claim all of Iraq. Fixed CZE keeping its cores on Slovakia when partitioned. Fixed the Fading Sun not disbanding if Japan lost faction leader status. Congo no longer starts with generic AutDem or NatPop leaders. Fixed the annexation event for Galicia not giving Poland all of Galicia, if that option was chosen. Finland can no longer defeat Russia by just taking Petrograd. Greece being booted from its faction upon taking the Megali focus is no longer automatic - the faction leader is notified by event and may elect to support them or not. Improved Shandongs starting division templates. After the Lucknow conference, British generals in India will leave to the United Kingdom if it exists, and Canada if it doesn't. Fixed Eastern European tank chassis art being missing on the tech tree. Added a shared equipment salvaging decision category per state, 14 days to deliver 30 days to be re-selectable for the LEP conflict. Increased the completion time for some German economic national focuses. Fixes for having reckless/cautious at the same time from vanilla. Gaining cores in China is now based on compliance, with access to a special occupation law. Fixed many missing national spirit descriptions and titles. Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia can now be released properly after one takes the decide what to do with each region option in the Indochina release event. set_ruling_party [ideology group] This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. Haitian corruption will no longer rise as fast and is cheaper to buy down. Romania's Iron Guard content expanded, especially the middle Legionary tree. Fixed two different Black Monday national spirits appearing in the German national focus tree. Removed Viktor Khristenko as an advisor for Transamur, who was born in 1957. Fixed AST and IRE joining the TI while already a member of it. Removed the volunteers that the League of Eight Provinces receives from Mittelafrika. Socialist Netherlands SDAP path now has a coalition with its moderate wing. Fixed the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire events not taking a partial Portuguese victory against Mittelafrika in the Bush War into consideration, with regards to Mozambique. The Fading Sun has been redone to use normal peace conference mechanics. Fixed Swedens seconds-in-command showing up in the event text instead of a tooltip. Japan can now offer peace to Russia even if the latter hasnt occupied Sakhalin if Manchuria and Korea both have fallen. Finland now starts in a coalition with the SocCons. Increased the political power gain in Polands Dropping the Gold Standard national focus, and increased the loss in this mutually exclusive The Statist Approach. Great War tanks can no longer be converted into heavy tanks. Fixed an event showing for Peru that wasnt supposed to be visible. We are so happy to be here and couldnt be more proud of all the work that has been done to get here. Federalist China will now have Wang Jingwei as the head of the Kuomintang upon unification, rather than Song Qingling. USA's Fate of the Unions national focus now bypasses if the Socialist Party of America was compromised with. Fixed Austria inviting Greece into its faction during the formers civil war. Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with the tag command. Fixed expansionist Russia not attacking Georgia. Fixed a focus name for Brazil that was too long. Fixed Persias Yalda Night event occurring on the wrong day. Adjusted the bonuses given by Germanys centralisation choice. Fixed Suez not counting as part of Egypt for the Ottoman centralisation mechanic. Fixed the Legation Cities not following their game rule. Its no longer enough to have simply declared support for the faction during the Intervention Debate. Fixed the South Africa economic AI weights. Added trains to Paraguays starting stockpile. Fixed Armenia getting locked into the Moscow Accord for the AutDem path, via national focus bypassing. Slightly re-balanced Mittelafrikas domestic national focus tree completion times. Fixed the War Propaganda generic decision instantly cancelling. Slightly decreased the effect of Black Monday on Germany. Fixed some missing Senegalese leader descriptions. Fixed Albania not being part of the Balkan War peace deal if they attacked independently. Removed the option to execute the Japanese Imperial Family. Bulgarias Geopolitical Opportunism national focus is now uncompleted if it accepts Austrias invitation into the Donau-Adriabund. Fixed the Siamese peace deal giving parts of Indochina to German East Asia, even if Indochina won. The system can now be switched on and off via a button in the UI. Added a leader description to Switzerlands Jakob Herzog. Added several new tooltips for KTG and NMB to make the focus trees easier to follow. Socialist Russia can now ask the rest of the Internationale for aid, and vice versa, instead of them sharing mutual guarantees of independence. United Scandinavia no longer suffers from an inability to trade overseas. Fixed the wrong news event firing when Serbias Republicans win a majority victory in the election. Tweaked several Argentinian stability and war support modifiers. The Fate of the Imperial Family now fires for whoever puppeted Japan. The is now more of a delay before Rhodesia and Natal join the Entente during the Third Boer War. Floyd Olson is uniformly referred to as governor in 1936, Combined two national spirits for Mordacqs CSN path, Add resistance to former French colonies when back under NFA control, If National France controls the Aosta Valley, they can decide to give it over to SRD, or keep and integrate it. Effects of the Ottoman stability of the realm modifier slightly reduced: Costs and effects of Ottoman state interactions slightly reduced: Now also adds supportive deputies to the Ottoman parliament. Expanded the benefits given by Bhutan declaring the Thunder Dragon Empire. Fixed the Russo-Ottoman Convention resurrecting dead tags. A player can still attack, though it will incur a hefty PP penalty. tag [country tag] - Change the country you're playing as. Fixed Polands MarLib and AutDem monarchies being able to make a separate peace with Russia. Irish / Ulster Unionists are now referred to solely as Loyalists, due to the association of unions with the syndicalist Union of Britain. Removed some events in the American Civil War that made participants surrender earlier than they otherwise would. Fixed the Leaving Mitteleuropa event showing up in the war declaration UI. Added SocLib and PatAut paths for Lithuania, which were not included in the initial release. In the American Union State, Pelley can no longer get the generals of the other participants of the civil war, even if pardoned - they'll refuse to serve him. Yan Xishan no longer tries to defect to Austria. Should Austria be conquered or lose its faction through the Treaty of Budapest, Italy will be able to join the Reichspakt (in this instance, this also applies to a National Populist Italy). Finland will now always refuse Russias offer of joining the Moscow Accord, should the former potentially be able to join Scandinavia. Fixed Georgias elections autocompleting if the same party is re-elected. Sweden no longer suffers from the Trade War national spirit, if it rejoins Mitteleuropa. Fixed the AI losing too much war support from the AI-only mission. Fixed Turkish events referring to Constrantinope as the capital, when it has been taken by Greece. Increased the World Tension generated from shelling of Avricourt/Elfringen events. Fixed Canadas Loyalist Divisions in Britain not being disbanded on the formation of a restored UK. Fixed Bulgaria being unable to join the Moscow Accord. Added a warning to the Republican path for Serbia, that when they form Yugoslavia with too much NatPop popularity, they will get Nation of the Three Tribes focus tree instead of United States of Yugoslavia. Fixed a lot of the Latvian tech description mistranslations. Fixed Polands events involving the PPS picking a new leader resulting in two responses in the events received by Austria and the Commune of France. Fixed Left KMT claiming Chhatisgarh instead of Weihaiwei. Jabal Shammar no longer repeatedly revolts against the Ottomans. Fixed Australasia's Rats of Tobruk template being permanently locked. Reworked the Siamese surrender's peace events. Now all in Sakhalin. Fixed the Left Kuomintangs totalists being able to hold elections and become democratic. Fixed the inverted idea effects for Bulgaria's agrarian route. Fixed Scotlands Willie Gallacher using Tom Manns portrait. Fixed the Netherlands' PatAut tree not unlocking after the March on The Hague. Added a fifth research slot for the Netherlands. Fixed two Fengtian factory-building decisions not building factories in the relevant states. Xinjiang is now only invited to the Shantou Conference if Ma Clique is invited and agrees to attend. The Ottomans will now always cede Batumi to a Russian-allied Georgia, to prevent Russia joining in on Georgias side when it intervenes in the War in the Desert. New England's Great Depression modifier now aligns with the modifiers of the United States Great Depression modifier. Fixed socialist Brazil not getting rid of Black Monday. Poland can no longer core Transcarpathia. American Civil War division templates are once again editable. Armenia getting puppeted by expansionist Russia no longer changes Armenias ideology wheel and ruling party. Added Basque/Catalan/Spanish endonyms for Labourd and Roussillon. Spanish tags now capture the navies of defeated SCW factions. Tweaked an Ottomans tooltip so the effects are clearer. Fixed the Netherlands trying to annex all of Belgium. Denmark now has a less-punishing German-based recovery. Mechanized companies no also affect amphibious mechanized vehicles, Tank companies now also affect td/aa/spg variants, Countries which can join the ISAC by other means no longer are invited to join automatically, Removed AOG, Normandy, Schleswig-Holstein, and Yugoslavia tags, If a country occupies territory owned by a country they are allied with, they should now automatically turn it over, Moderate resource rebalancing in parts of western Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, Continued rebalancing starting slots for states, notably the USA, Removed starting cores for more nations which aren't around in 1936 - saves on performance, Converted colonial government ideas to a special government type, The corrupt kleptocrat minister trait is now less corrupt. add_equipment [amount] [name] - Add a specified amount of a selected equipment type to your national . Fixed Mittelafrika being unable to complete the "Save the DKAEB" mission. Canada now always gets Buffalo, unless it has revolted to the CSA beforehand. Sultan Abdlmecid can die natural death, for real this time. Fixed So Paulo not having Salgado as leader when it rises up against Vargas. Escalating the Propaganda War now doesnt talk about the Qing and Puyi when they arent in power. Fixed Poland handing over Transylvania when selling Bucovina to Romania. Improved the performance of the Exile decisions. Renamed Escort Cruisers to Light Cruisers. Fixed the Danubian news event firing incorrectly. Tweaked the province and state layout in Kurdistan and Persia. Decreased the duration of Polands Slay the Hydra of Capitalism national focus. Fixed SAF keeping wartime resistance after the Weltkrieg ends. Slightly increased the likelihood of the Dominion of India peacefully reuniting with the Bharatiya Commune. The East Asian peace treaty now removes any German guarantees and/or NAPs. Fixed the Liangguang revolter not getting any advisors. Added the missing option to keep all of the West Indies Federation under occupation. Fixed the animation for Polish marines and mountaineers. Added the ability for Yunnan to retake Macau and the German East Asian-controlled ports. Then they can either restore the Italian Federation or release Lombardy and go their own way. Made Liepaja the provisional capital of Latvia, as events refer it to be. Henri Guisan can no longer be elected General in NatPop Switzerland due to his Romand origins, and Syndicalist Switzerland will no longer elect a general. Fixed Lombardy and Tuscany starting or being released with a generic leader. The news event toggle can now be changed in multiplayer. If the Bolivian NatPops take over after the Syndicalists are elected, their first national focus is unlocked to allow their focus tree to be completed. After winning the Boer War against Natal/Rhodesia, South Africa no longer gains cores on lands it conquered before the Boer War began. Greece can no longer start the Megali war if it is part of a major faction, unless the Weltkrieg has already started. Japan can no longer support East Turkestan, Mongolia and Tibet if they are puppets. Anqing can now proclaim the Republic of China if they control Beijing, so long as the side that they had previously aligned with has been capitulated. Roman Von Ungern-Sternberg now gets a new flag when he consolidates Mongolia. Dutch East Indies AI should now keep most of its army guarding Java. Expanded the size of Japans starting army. The South Africa advisor events now mention the decisions they unlock, so someone doesn't walk away thinking the focuses should be unlocked (since they're unlocked by the decisions, not the events). Changed the Rifle Contract event for South Africa to either provide an equipment designer or add infantry weapons tech bonus.

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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich