camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968

They were pissed off at him because they were sent out there that night when they had already done a day patrol, and they wanted to scare the crap out of him. Fish and Game, as a diver/biologist, and retired as the I set up a course map to the right is intended to be used as a We were told that we were teaching them skills so they would be able to have a useful job. perceived attacks. Here in Vietnam with the advanced gangrene she was going to die and there was nothing that could be done! click here or click "back" until you Then to had to man the perimeter during The road was closed to civilian traffic at night so there would be no other vehicles on the road. Those care packages and her letters help keep me going when ever times got really tough! . to return to If US Mail works best for you, I started building my hooch on Wednesday May 8th at just before noon. [1], U.S. NSA Danang was officially established on 15 October 1965 under the operational control of Commander, III MAF. The iStock design is a trademark of iStockphoto LP. After a short rest to pull my self together I went back and finished putting the door spring on and about that time one of my team mates picked me up and took me back to the shop. These positive relations were largely a reflection of the fact that black and white soldiers in combat were heavily dependent on one another. So I took a trip in September 2016 back roof. Smile like you mean it! The MPs left in a hurry. mind. Naval Support Facility DaNang (1970-1972), and the Detachments. The other important thing we had to do was to check the Red Beach causeway at 2400 hr. Quite the contrary, African Americans frequently complained that they were disproportionately assigned menial duties, not promoted to the level they deserved, unfairly targeted for punishment, disproportionately drafted, assigned to combat units, and killed in Vietnam. (a hooch is a 16 by 32 ft wood framed plywood building with 5 foot high walls and a tin roof.) I pretty much walked the whole base then back to the EM club for a cold beer If one of the other bases in our AO got hit by mortars or rockets then our siren went off and we were on red alert which meant we had to role out with weapons, helmets,and flack jackets and man our posts. Well, the Camp Tein Sha barracks got me for Friday, and Saturday. During the day of May 21 or May 22 Bettencourt took our flat bed truck to covered storage in Danang to pick up supplies while he was there a bunch of Navy trucks were lined up to load beds and lockers to furnish some barracks at Camp Tien Sha . once. The tracer rounds stopped ,I gave it a couple minutes and got in the truck and sped on my way back to the shop! Detachment Nha Trang - 1965 - 1971. At that time the base fir truck showed up. As he cut them off he threw them in the corner beside the shelf and I can remember how strange they looked leaning against the wall! New year found Didnt take long to figure out that everyone could see that you were a FNG. The nurses were all Vietnamese and were employed there so I would often see the same nurses. U.S. I believe we also tied him around the waist. The next day a Chinook helicopter dropped a cable down to the burned out UH-1 and hauled it away. It was a Saturday, perhaps we were finishing up the cook shed. I even passed an enlisted sailor with a can of white paint and he was This was the closest skivvy house to Camp Books , a very short walk. waiting in transit at the Long Beach Naval Station, I got orders to [4]:2[2], In August 1967, the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. [1] In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. barrels over the bow. The best attractions in Da Nang include a good mix of centuries-old pagodas, French colonial buildings, as well as tranquil beaches with clear blue waters, and verdant national parks. The Post office was about 75 yards from my hootch. Yes, everyone called him soccer ball head ! It was very clear that they did not want a FNG getting in their way. airlines circling the DaNang airbase over the Country of South Vietnam. The new pier facility allowed deep-draft ocean-going vessels to unload cargo directly onto trucks instead of offloading into Lighters while anchored in the harbor. a lot in Vietnam. We needed to replace the awning over the entry door that was about to fall off. hair cutting all my time there aside Our electricians went to wire up the building for electricity. There was a young mother with several kid and grandma and grandpa. He seemed totally comfortable and relaxed. The photos on this page are from an exhibit that was at the Collin County Historical Society Museum. I am on the far left. There were 6 area work centers in the Da Nang AO . to DaNang. I was never in harms way. risking my life in a really inadequate vehicle! The engine suddenly stop and flames shot out the top of both side back door openings. Looking back, have [5], In July 1966 the "Bridge Cargo Ramp" (160307N 1081352E / 16.052N 108.231E / 16.052; 108.231) began operations increasing NSA's supply capability. Seabees, initially using materials pre-stocked before the war in Advanced Base Functional Component packages, constructed three deep-draft piers for oceangoing ships, two 300 feet (91m) wooden piers an LST causeway and the Bridge Cargo Complex that consisted of a 1,600 feet (490m) long wharf, 300,000 cubic feet of refrigerated storage space and 500,000 square feet of covered storage space. The Sargent in charge told him we would have to get gear from NSA Danang because the Seabee team was turned over to NSA. I was able to remain calm and under control and do what ever he told me but inside I was on the edge of losing it! May 5,1968 was my first rocket attack in Vietnam and you can see the hit 7 different places in my AO including my new home at FLC Camp Books. The bunker in back was the Korean bunker that I slept in while I was building my hooch. So now I know why the sniping stopped. Right. He was honorably discharged in 1968 after completing his tour in Vietnam, as Petty . Why are you here in Vietnam ? In other words, if you could drive a Corvair fast and survive you We took 2 122mm rockets about where the crates are. delivering warm water was good They cut a hole through their new fence and cleared a path threw the tangle foot and mines wide enough for a 4 wheel drive mule. The helicopter crew sat down a couple hundred feet from their UH-1 and waited. I do web work now and I want to help you fix your articles so people can read them easier.I'm not asking to get paid I just want to do something for you. So as May 1968 ended I had been in Vietnam for 1 month! On Tuesday May 14 I finished my hooch and settled into the corner right inside the door. Our group that was sent to MST1 landed in ---- I spent the rest of the day until after dark alone in the shop building a foot locker. Danang was handling more tonnage than the port of Baltimore at the time. person who was awake had access to the keys to the jeep. Camp Haskins, Da Nang, Vietnam, served as headquarters of the 30th Naval Construction Regiment, who exercised operational control of Seabee units deployed to Vietnam. The advantage was that I got a whole extra year of dive time at Hoods Canal with Pett and got to do deep water dives with him ( 120 to 140 feet) in the summer of 1966. It was Coate was not there to know about Puppy. He got the point and let me through the gate, no more questions asked. The Chief did manage to get bedding (Ha,Ha) I got one bed sheet and one pillow case. I got my NAUI Scuba diving cerification in July 1966. I heard the distant crack of rifle fire and then my brain said holy shit, somebody is shooting at me!! An example of what we did. Suprise, suprise, TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. My AR 15 slept on my left side right next to my body so I could always feel where it was. it for their personal use. Memoir of my time served with the Navy at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang, during the Vietnam war. The weekend after the amputation I went to build a small operating room and install a examination light. time does that. Naval Support Activity, Da Nang 1969 Cruise Book vietnamandmilitary $175.00 101st Airborne "Tour Book" 1967-68 The first year!!! To know all the different sounds was to be able to read what was happening at night and how safe I was. Us transit guys were on two section duty (port and starboard was the Navy term for that). [3] The camp was quickly expanded to include 25 new barracks able to accommodate an additional 1,700 men, together with a barber shop, post exchange and milk plant. I remember one time showering in whatever you say Mr. Had fun there, especially since I had to wear civilian clothes. right , Huan one of my carpenters. Message is: I am looking for members that served at Tien Sha Ramp in 1968 through 1969. maids walked in and started cleaning But the better As soon as they caught on they would take on that task and I would move on to the next. It was an opportunity to get off the Hospital ships and see a little bit of the real Vietnam. Camp Tien Sha, Vietnam. Surprisingly, I never step foot on a ship, I was always stationed in Navy hospitals. Mostly I was just kind of mentally numb. camp where you get sheared. The sign on the mess hall door I dropped the log book on the microphone button and yelled AWC#5 -INCOMING ROCKETS! Lieutenant Colonel Leonard A. Blasiol, U.S. Marine Corps . It sure seemed longer then a month, to me it was more like a few months! Lance Corporal James D Feucht (cause of death,misadventure). Honorably Discharged as a QM2(SS) in 1971ish. The Doc started by cutting the legs off. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The crew truck got there about 1745 hr or so and the doc was still busy. In another incident, a black guard was shot to death when a black sailor went on a wild shooting spree at Camp Tien Sha near Danang. In your time in the CBs did you decide to be the opposite and do the right thing with newbies? I tried one other time a few months later but didn't have the appropriate paper work. The Gunny Sargent assured me that the cost of the 782 gear would come out of their final pay check! Had tied their hands behind their backs and executed them. Still, [ Base The kids were always hanging around and the best way to keep them from stealing was to befriend them by giving them candy. The three strong backs that I was to build for 7th motors was put on hold. around on the gravel surface at the PTF base. When I got to the gate it was a little past curfew and the guard started to give me some shit and wanted my travel chit. The events highlighted in yellow directly affected me. With over 81,000 members, VVA provides a community of fellowship with people who share common experiences, needs and hopes for the future. Beerworth dropped us at 1st MPs. We also had a couple of American Philco Ford teachers. I was given our 2 new carpenters to help with the concrete pour, 3rd class builder Calabresy and builder CN Craig Taylor. The nurse laid across the farmers upper thighs to hold him in place. Chapel? I was going to start building my own hooch so I would have a place to sleep ! [1][3]:2, In August 1967, the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. k. whole story here. building. Although the rules were they had to go back and check out. May 27 was my birthday. Jack Shulimson . This is the inside of our shop.The office was upstairs and to the left. Well we This is the first Poem that I wrote in Vietnam and is about the two marines killed in the skivvy house. really care. When he was all loaded he told them one of the other drivers had the paper work and while they were trying to hunt down the papers he just drove away. . Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. [4]:8. On Friday I left the shop at 1800hr and went to the Children's Clinic. Some times a lot of shit happened . maps) office in the White Elephant. There are other memories of my time working at the clinic. shoes" and one of the Vietnamese 2023 iStockphoto LP. course. When a child died they were bundled tightly in white sheets and tide off with string. Vietnam War Home Movies Tien Sha & Da Nang 1969 ammo dump explosion, freedom hill VintageFilmArsenal 2.48K subscribers 37K views 8 years ago Go to to purchase a. I was driving on the perimeter road with the dry storage ASM wall on my right. Once I went "over" The Brief. I suppose that I needed that time alone to recover from the amputation! Finally I interrupted and said I would sleep in the Korean bunker on the broken cot that was in there, end of argument ! The feet just kind of hanging by muscle and skin. This was a real live human! The new pier facility allowed deep-draft ocean-going vessels to unload cargo directly onto trucks instead of offloading into Lighters while anchored in the harbor. Then I could triangulate my frames ,run some string lines, pound in the rebar stakes. ( so we could see to make a quick exit to the bunker during a rocket or mortar attack. uniform. An electrician CN (E-3). this pic is. For that action, we were awarded the Naval Unit Commendation, the highest Naval or Marine award issued without action by the President. ! I think [2] During the next several years, the command created subordinate NSA detachments at Chu Lai, Hu, Tn M, ng H, Ca Vit, Ph Bi and Sa Hunh. Often several rockets would have gone off before I even knew we were under attack ! He said that if they could ship her to the hospital in Japan or back in the states they could probably save her. Color home movie footage filmed by a serviceman at Camp Tien Sha and Da Nang during 1969, including footage of Freedom Hill, Dogpatch, the April 27th Da Nang ammo dump explosion & aftermath, and more. I have 'issues' from that crap hole as well.I don't want to put my email address in here publicly so how can I get in touch with you?Ernie Hodge, is this the Ernie hodge that was with the fuel crew in 1966-1967. my name is larry Kirby and my twin brother is gary Kirby if this is the same Earnie Hoge please email me at lwk472000@yahoo.vom. After I let them go I was sitting on my tool box waiting for the crew truck to come pick me up. Sleeping in that bunker was not good.It had 2 opening which allowed the mosquitoes to get in and eat the shit out of me. The port of Danang contained only three small piers, three Landing Ship, Tank (LST) ramps and a stone quay that were inaccessible to oceangoing vessels; even smaller craft had trouble approaching. You'll see the plumes of smoke, fireballs and falling debris from the explosion of the DaNang ammo dump on April 27, 1969 -- and close ups of some of the damage to buildings and barracks. Apart from some shopping highlights and historical sights, the main reason for most travelers staying here is its proximity to the well-known My Khe Beach, Lang Co Beach, Hoi An and My Son. Our boat and one other transported the My barracks was an old French barracks at Camp Tien Sha near Da Nang. Cat Lo Naval Base. was about vehicles, building Whenever there were 122 rocket attacks there would be casualties and being as how I was a first responder and did the damage clean up and repair and being as how medivaced Marines did not need their uniforms any more I would just help myself to what ever would fit me. The scarcity of lighterage and the heavy weather that often buffeted the harbor made ship-to-craft cargo transfers hazardous and inefficient. Some times I would bend the rules and just let them go and I would take care of checking them out. CONTACT: VETERANS CENTER OF NORTH TEXAS. Closer and closer, the engine starting to whine! while we were starting the wall framing we heard the sound of a UH-1 helicopter. African Americans perceived racial issuesrace relations, prejudice, and discriminationin Vietnam through a lens heavily influenced by their earlier experiences in the United States. The other time was that day in boot The nurse in the center of the picture is the one who helped amputate the farmers legs. those Nastie's were fun boats! Mostly I would just build and they would watch and fallow what I did. Camp Horn is a former United States Marine Corps and United States Army base located in Danang, Vietnam. On the left I was standing in front of the hut assessing the job. this place, wearing only "shower Shortly after 1000 hr the team expediter showed up and I was introduced to him . Well I answered once about the FNGs. Warehouses, open storage areas, cargo handling equipment, and good exit routes from the port were limited. The guy on the right had black hair, he had been shot with a small caliber pistol right where the skull meets the spine. I don't I had orders in September 1966 to go to Over 130 rough terrain and warehouse forklifts and 20 cranes eased cargo handling. 5440 x 3520 px (18.13 x 11.73 in.) The fire was caused by a Air or artillery white phosphorus flare ( WP). She was especially friendly with our hooch mama-son. Left Phung a Vietnamese carpenter and formerly a French foreign legion Major. Vietnam veterans, age 60+, American. . really an enclosure. Inside of that trailer, face down were 2 dead Marines. The (my home base). Our generators were not even running yet so I heard the rocket coming in. Here is a poem that I wrote about the helicopter. If they were caught they were punished by court marshal and were busted one pay grade. When we got there the doc wanted to show us around. We were here, I was going to have to hit the ground running if I intended to stay with this team. List of battleships of the United States Navy,,, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, United States military bases of the Vietnam War. It had 4 windows so I went to the window for H. I handed the clerk my records pack. Every morning I was stripping floors and then in the afternoon waxing and buffing and cleaning the showers, normal Navy grunt work. I had my parents send me my Scuba diving lesson book and in what little spare time we could find we would hold Scuba study sessions. Read their name tag,don't look at their face, it was a hell of a lot easier to pick up the pieces or load up a stretcher of some one you don't know than to deal with a friend ! Work started at 0700 hr and we got off at 1700 hr. Marine guns up to the DMZ, we looked like shoe boxes eith long gun Retro. middle , Mr Kim a Korean Philco Ford electrician . Later after they landed it became obvious that they were throwing out the ammo boxes so they wouldn't explode when they landed. and went on Get those Fucking Gooks away from that Damn trailer". It's the 4th largest city in Vietnam. The beach is more than twenty miles long, and in the last two decades, numerous China Beach hotels as well as dining and shopping venues have sprung up along it. Electrician CN (E-3) Pat Brown, Builder CN (E-3) Craig Taylor, Builder 3Rd Class Calabresi. The doc explained that she had been burned by napalm and had gotten gangrene and that was the smell. There was no time off just the same 12 hr work shift. Alan Often times during a rocket or mortar attack rounds would over shoot landing in Hoa Kahn or Dog Patch ,providing children for the Clinic. It didn't take long to get out of bed when the first rocket struck nearby. Welcome to Viet----fuckn Nam you FNGs ( funking new guys) !!! OK, Im new here, the rooky, would be thinking about that meal a lot! I would have to wait a few more days for that to start. We also had a land line (telephone) installed for communication with the Marines. I was at Camp Tien Sha from June '69 until Feb '70. Then I was out the door, I passed LT Branch halfway down the stairs and was waiting for him in the bunker! I'm at camp Tien Sha at Da Nang now. She is always with me ! We got danger close rockets in that area often. through the base that would allow me to do "hot laps" as long as no Well I had 11 months to go and it was going to be a very long 11 months ! Danang had become the largest fuel complex in South Vietnam capable of holding over 500,000 barrels. Despite the repeated assurances uttered by our senior non-commissioned petty officers that Camp Tiensha's location on the peninsula that juts out from the City of Danang, and with the location of the Danang airbase on the opposite side of the city itself, generally put our base beyond the purported 7 mile range of the Russian-made 122 millimeter Katyusha rockets . [1], During 1965 the logistic operation at Danang suffered from lack of suitable or sufficient harbor craft, cargo handling equipment, and port personnel. loved cars and fast driving. That sure screwed with our sleep! Gallons of Herbicides Sprayed. Alan on base I am searching for anyone who may recall serving with me in the Seabees at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang between 1969-1971. the correctly identified enlisted Style attributes. The So that's what I did, went back to work. I didn't understand at that time the danger of rocket attacks. Da Nang Cluster. and Captain David A . When I look back it sure seems stupid but at the time what else could I do? If you served in Camp Tien Sha, Headquarters, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. . Administration Armed assigned Assistant August Back base boats Camp Tien Sha CAPT Captain cargo Center CHARLES Chief of Staff combat Commander Control Corps craft Cua Viet DaNang DAVID. The United States used it as a major base during the Vietnam War (1959-1975), stationing Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine units there. Her husband was an ARVN soldier who had been killed. Link to Silent Spring Deadly Autumn (the best book ever written about Agent Orange and the other chemicals we were exposed to in Vietnam. Maybe it's just me. But when shit happens to you and you are the victim, everything changed! boat part would be housed in supply He expired nine days later. [1] In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. I had my sailboat and some The saw he used was a miniature version of the bone saw we used when we cut up cows or pigs at butchering time on the farm! Well I never did hear from Barbee. He was really short, only six more days and a wake up and he would be out of Vietnam, back to the world and his girl friend Judy. Target audience. In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha (Tin Sa) at the foot of Monkey Mountain. Because of Da Nang's strategic location on rail, air, and highway routes, development of its . very first day of war. couldn't resist testing it's limits! Download this Camp Tien Sha photo now. in Subic and got a pro hair cut. That's danger close to the shop! I also came down with a mild case of the flew so was feeling rather worn out. Tracers were bouncing all over in front of the truck. As time passed and I saw all of these kids sick and broken I realized that most of what this clinic was doing was trying to repair the damage done to these kids by the war itself. Welcome! I always had hot meals and a warm bed. We found the family and with the help of other refugees were proceeded to tear down their shelter and build them a house. You will use the chain of command ,don't come to me. First came the steps and as soon as that was finished I helped the Navy doctor and Vietnamese nurse move in a big grey office desk and an open book shelf unit. They did hit the fuel bladders at truck company several time so I knew there would be a nice warm fire if our fuel tank got hit. He asked the officer in charge about them and was told that they didn't have any use for them because they didn't have any Marines who were certified divers. of the enclosure with a "shower After checking in, I was assigned to So every week there would be a different doctor. She would pull out handfuls of her hair and pound herself with clenched fists! He had no hair and always had snot running out of his nose and down his chin. Between 1969 and 1971 hundreds, if not thousands, of incidents of racial violence occurred in and around American military bases The Marines in that ambush had fired on me to scare me because they thought I was the duty officer making the rounds. Some One of them used to take me to the MACV Club located by the USS Repose. Our office was up stairs. Their shirt tail were hanging out and sleeves not rolled up (Marine style). FLC took twenty one 122mm rocket rounds and on May 22,1968 at 0200 hr FLC took 12 122mm rocket rounds. layout - (07-07-02) It must have been about 1100 hr. When we arrived at Red Beach the Seabee team shop was a mad house. kms.) All of the workers that worked for us were dislocated Vietnamese and us putting them to work was an attempt to keep their economy rolling. Because I had to fend for myself I did help the newbies who moved into my hooch. They were simply ghettos with poor sanitation , communal water supply, no roads or electricity. He was driving a 1 1/2 ton flat bed stake truck and was making the rounds to pick up supplies. The trailer was to short so the Marines legs were bent at the knees and sticking up, no shoes, pant legs up to their knees showing their very white legs. There was a permanent concrete hospital being built close to my building and by the beginning of June 1968 had all the walls built up and was waiting for materials for roof trusses and the roof. BBC News, Da Nang, Vietnam Da Nang is one of Vietnam's major ports, a city rich in history. In the early days the security perimeter of the base was only about 50 feet from our shop and was not very well guarded. thought about was the airbase in Danang was under attack, She wanted to send care packages and letters to me as part of a High School project. Our group that was sent to MST1 landed in right out of there. It was in a large dirt field 150 yards outside of the north perimeter. not leaving a big enough tip. If it had detonated when it hit the ventilator we both would have been killed! He did some stitching ,packed gauze into the stumps, put in shunts and temporarily closed the stumps. Book cover type. BU 3 Beerworth s crew took over and finished the walls and roof on Saturday May 18. On Friday May 17 I was sent out on another job. Coate would send dog food care packages to Judy. "Honcho come", he pulls me around the Quonset hut, his eyes were as big as saucers! He told me step by step every detail. to my new cubicle and dressed in my slightly used green utility working During my research I found an entry in the Diary of Marine Lieutenant Don Griffis who was CO of the Provisional Rifle Company who operated patrols out of Camp Books. a small cargo plane in the middle of the night, all I I wanted to go back and see that little girl before she died but all that next week I was to busy to get off early ( or maybe I was just to scared and heart broken). heads all in an area I'd call around The first half of my year in Vietnam (1967) I was stationed at the large U. S. base in Danang. identified as "enlisted head." Camp Tien Sha Vietnam $20.00 Brand: Design Apparel Product Description Order this cap today.. U.S. This was a Sunday afternoon BBQ about 1800 hr. There was to much noise from the generators and air conditioner to hear the rockets explode or the warning siren go off . Individuality, not. I dont know a damn thing so )The Doc gave me a large stick like a tongue depressor ,except bigger. Sure. The station hospital begun in 1965 had treated over 21,000 casualties, 44,000 nonbattle patients and one million outpatients flowing in from the hostile and disease-ridden I Corps environment. [3]:33, In mid-October 1968 the Deep Water Pier complex (160712N 1081250E / 16.12N 108.214E / 16.12; 108.214) on the Tien Sha peninsula was completed, beginning operations in September 1968. A sad day because we were no longer a Seabee Team ! I read of your arrival in China Beach with a bit of a chuckle remembering how green we all were at that time. It was a long miserable cold 12 hour night. You FNGs We are the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1122, based in Collin County, Texas. Despite these positive interactions with whites, African Americans did not view the armed forces as an institution free of racial prejudice. That night at the mess hall it was, " did you hear about the 2 grunt that got shot and killed at the Skivvy house last night"! I have never found any but I still have hope. 4. Learn more. I don't remember when I stopped doing work at the Children's clinic, Maybe the end of June or early July. seating along the sides of the rear area. [4]:33, Logistic vessels under the control of NSA Danang included Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM 3 & LCM 6) and LCU landing craft; harbor utility craft (YFU); small harbor tugs (YTL); open lighters (YC); refrigerated barges (YFRN); Army craft; and a refrigerator ship.

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camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968

camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968

camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968